You’re not a robot!
We’re human beings. We do mistakes, we innovate and find other ways to do things. If we don’t then we’re losing hell a lot.
Working on a software services company is tricky. You have a customer to please but you’re not a robot to do whatever they say. I know I’m neither the customer nor the end user, but if I can’t put myself in their shoes then I shouldn’t be a product owner.. At all.
Same case applies for work and relationship with management. If for some reason you need a manager’s or multiple managers permission to approve an icon then you’re in a miserable state from your innovation and freedom to move point of view.
For me, I try not to be a robot. I ask why, challenge the input if it doesn’t make sense and try to make something that I believe in its value. I’ve acquired this habit with time and I’d be really sad if I lost it someday.
I just hate it when I deal with a robot. A person who’s afraid in each and every step.. A person who is losing much of the god-given ability about innovating and taking calculated risks that might lead into good success. I try to be polite most of the time when I meet a robot or face a robotic behavior.. But sometimes my tongue doesn’t collaborate ;)
Take risks.. They’re not that bad.. We’ll not get out of this life alive anyway ;)